In 1964 Trains Magazine dedicated their 8 page Photo Section to the 25th anniversary of the club.
Click on Trains 25th Anniversary Article
to view this article. It is best viewed as a two sided display.
The Rocky Mountain
Railroad Historical Foundation was founded in 1990 by the Rocky
Mountain Railroad Club for the purpose of restoring
historic railroad equipment. For many years our main project was the restoration of Denver and Intermountain No. 25 (the only totally intact,
surviving car of Denver's once vast electric railway system). Car 25 was added to the National Register on January 12, 2012. The foundation page details how this piece of Colorado history was saved from the scrapper.
No. 25
was one of seven cars that provided passenger service between
downtown Denver and Golden over the Denver Tramway Company's
13 mile standard gauge line. A history of No. 25 can be found
by visiting the Foundation page.
This site is the result
of the enormous contributions of the members of the Rocky Mountain
Railroad Club. All railroad photography and writing contributed
for this project are used with much appreciation.